Sugestie pojawią się po wpisaniu danych wyszukiwania. Do przeglądania użyj strzałek w górę i w dół. Naciśnij Enter, aby wybrać. Jeśli wybierasz frazę, zostanie ona przesłana do wyszukiwania. Jeśli sugestia jest linkiem, przeglądarka przejdzie do tej strony.

Narzędzia do wyceny: opłaty za zwierzęta, opłaty za sprzątanie i podgląd cen

To make life as a Host a little easier, we offer hosting tools to support three specific tasks: adding a pet fee, offering lower cleaning fees for shorter stays, and previewing the price guests will pay.

Add a pet fee

Guests love traveling with their pets—they’re part of the family. To make it even easier for Hosts to welcome pets, you can now add a pet fee to your pricing. If you choose to charge a pet fee, it’ll be spread out equally over the course of the stay and shown both as part of the nightly rate, and in the total price at checkout.

Service animals always stay for free. For more information about service animals, emotional support animals, and fees, read about our Accessibility Policy.

Customize your cleaning fee

Our pricing tools give you the flexibility to customize your cleaning fee. So, you can now offer a lower fee to guests who stay only 1 or 2 nights. If you opt in, your regular cleaning fee for longer stays remains the same unless you change it.

Pricing strategies to attract guests

As you know, your nightly rate can vary with seasonality, length of stay, and other factors. If you’re thinking about adding fees or offering discounts, you may want to run some numbers to keep your pricing strategy on track.

You can specify the number of guests and pets, and any range of dates, to preview the total price (including taxes and fees) for that particular booking. You’ll get a breakdown of the cost to a guest—and your payout—right from your hosting account. Depending on what you learn, you can always update your pricing.

Zobacz, ile zapłacą goście

Aby dowiedzieć się, ile goście zapłacą za pobyt, zanim zostanie on zarezerwowany, możesz sprawdzić cenę całkowitą w Kalendarzu. Aby można było zobaczyć cenę całkowitą dla danego gościa, wybrane daty muszą następować po sobie.

Sprawdzanie sumy całkowitej dla danego gościa na komputerze

  1. Kliknij Kalendarz i wybierz kalendarz odpowiedniej oferty.
  2. Kliknij każdy dzień, który chcesz uwzględnić.
  3. Kliknij Cena łączna dla gościa, aby zobaczyć wyliczenie cen za wybrane noce.

Host damage protection isn’t an insurance policy. It doesn’t cover Hosts who offer stays through Airbnb Travel, LLC, or Hosts in Japan. Keep in mind that all coverage limits are shown in USD, and there are other terms, conditions, and exclusions.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

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