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Lacjum, Włochy

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When deciding whether to become a Host on Airbnb in Italy, it is important for you to understand the laws in your region or city. As a platform and online marketplace we do not provide legal advice, but we want to provide resources that may help you better understand applicable laws and regulations. This list is not exhaustive, but it may give you a good start in understanding your local laws.

There are four requirements for the Lazio region that are applicable, whether you are a professional Host or an individual, to tourist rentals with contracts not exceeding 30 days—Structural requirements, Notification of commencement of activity (CIA), Regional Identification Code (CIR), and Reporting tourist data. Visit the Italy national page for more resources to understand the national laws in your country.

Structural requirements

Before starting, you must verify that your property has:

  • the structural requirements laid down for houses for private use
  • the health and hygiene requirements for houses for private use

The accommodation (or part of it) must include a living room with an annexed kitchenette or kitchen.

Please bear in mind that in the same city, you are not allowed to rent more than two properties.

Notification of commencement of activity (CIA)

You must notify the municipality—via the One-stop Business Advisory Center (Sportello Unico Attività Produttive aka SUAP)—regarding the accommodation to be used as a tourist rental. To do this, you must use the forms provided by the competent municipality.

You must send the copy of communication—with the protocol number issued by the municipality and your identity document—to the Lazio region, Organization and Coordination Area of the Territorial Tourist Offices (Area Organizzazione e Coordinamento degli Sportelli Territoriali del Turismo), via:

  • Certified electronic email (Posta elettronica certificata aka PEC) to; or
  • Registered letter with return receipt – Lazio Region - Organization and Coordination Area of the Territorial Tourist Offices – Via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi n. 7 - 00145 Rome

Regional Identification Code (CIR)

Using LazioCrea S.p.A, you must ask the Lazio region for the Regional Identification Code (Codice Identificativo Regionale aka CIR) of your accommodation.

You must use the CIR in any communication concerning the promotion—also through platforms—of your accommodation.

For more information, please consult the following guide.

Reporting tourist data

Lazio keeps track of tourist data in its region for statistical purposes. You must report certain data on your guests in the previous month by the fifth day of the following month. For example, data on January’s guests must be reported by February 5th. This is a mandatory requirement. If you fail to report, you may incur a fine for each month you failed to report properly.

To do this:

  1. Send an email to with your name/surname, email (no PEC address, not an email address already in use for other registered accommodation facilities), and a telephone number.
  2. Please also attach to the email the documents issued by the municipality during the CIA and the following the privacy policy. Within 30 days, you will receive instructions from the Lazio Tourism Observatory (Osservatorio Turismo Lazio) to complete your registration.

For more information, please consult this website, guide or the following FAQ.

Difference between tourist rentals and other extra-hotel facilities

Please note that tourist rentals are different from extra-hotel facilities (ex: holiday homes and apartments (CAVs), or guest houses, etc.) for which regional legislation provides several other obligations (ex: the CIA, the obligation to display prices).

City regulations

Select a location below to read info that specifically applies to your city. If your city isn't listed, refer to the general tax info for cities in Italy.



More resources to help you host

Airbnb isn’t responsible for the reliability or correctness of the information contained in any links to third party sites (including any links to legislation and regulations).

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